Still from Digital Film, 6 min 29 Sec
Eugeniou is an artist concerned with what it means to be an artist within the socio-cultural-capitalist imaginary.
Here, Eugeniou writes in the third person to question image proliferation as body and image collapse into each other. What does it mean to explore body language and mark-making in the ever shifting ground of the control society?
Practice encompasses film, drawing in the expanded field and performative gesture that attempts to engage with individual and collective signatures.
This endeavour often requires first person narration whereby I explore how consciousness appears and disappears through the hierarchies of the apparatus where the body can be seen as a contested site of knowledge.
My ongoing quest to examine visual regimes has led Eugeniou to produce work which confronts the viewer-witness with realities of visual subjectivity, by developing themes which focus on traumatic images and counter-memory through the medium of film to explore alterity and the (un)conscious realm.
The Black Tower is an experimental film made exclusively from crowd-sourced aftermath images of Grenfell Tower from Londoners, examining the role of viewer and memory of this unconscionable violence. The award-winning film pays homage to the 1987 The Black Tower, has been screened internationally. Dedicated website:
Eugeniou is currently researching the possibilities of exploring the biopolitical image, event, myth and film.